– Added new scorecards for use on the scoreboard with higher resolutions and more detail. ( mk )
– Added Map Win/Loss Stat System. ( mk )
– Added Headcrab Santa Hat ( lexy )
– Added Butcher Chef Hat ( lexy )

– Deployables such as arsenals, turrets, remanter and resupply no longer have collisions for humans. ( mk )
– Generators no longer have collisions for humans and there is no prop block above the generator anymore. ( mk )
– Improved various components of the design of the scoreboard aesthetic. ( mk )
– Lowered the max level from level 250 to 100 in preparation for the prestige/remort system coming back. ( tuck )
– Removed fear from all stealth classes such as Wraith and Surveyor to help with stealth attacking enemies. ( mk )
– Titlecards are now only used on the voice chat UI instead of scoreboard. ( mk )

– Fixed a bug with the event shop causing people to spend points on something they already owned. ( mk )
– Fixed Headcrab Tophat not being visible on poison / Fast Headcrabs. ( mk )
– Fixed issue with some brushes on ZE maps not taking damage. ( mk )
– Fixed not being able to use materias while standing on certain entities. ( mk )
– Fixed teleporting issue that caused humans to not be able to teleport. ( mk )
– Fixed ZE Cosmo not rewarding players with items after beating various rounds. ( mk )

– Nerfed the surveyor HP and Speed. ( mk )
– Nerfed the ZE Winchester. ( lexy )
– Removed the laser attack and step sounds from Surveyor. ( mk )

Posted January 05, 2022